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课程类别:高等教育自学考试 发布时间:2018-01-08


第一部分 形近词

abroad [ 'br :d] adv. (在)国外;到处


broad      [br :d]

adj. 宽广的

broaden   ['br :dn]

v. 加宽

broaden one's horizon开阔眼界

● 辨析  aboard和abroad

aboard 副词,表示:在船(或飞机,车)上。

如:I never went aboard a ship.

abroad 副词,表示:在国外或海外。

如:He often goes abroad.

broad 形容词,宽广的。

如:He has very broad shoulders.他的肩很宽。

board 动词,上(船,飞机,车)。

如:The passengers are boarding the plane now. 乘客们正在登机。

accident [' ksid nt] n. 事故

● 辨析  accident, incident和event

accident 指意外或偶然发生的事故,尤指不幸的,损害性的事故。

如:There have been fewer traffic accidents lately.最近很少发生交通事故。

incident 用于表示突发事件或偶发事件,政治上也可以指"事变"。

如:Were there any exciting incidents during your journey? 旅行中有什么惊喜吗?

event 指具有重要意义的历史事件,也可引申为重大事件,还可


如:Which events have you entered for? 你参加了什么项目?

【例题】____ of cheating customers with false goods should no longer exist.

A. Events

B. Accidents

C. Incidents

D. Happenings



The Xi'an Incident is also called the "Double-Twelfth Incident".

car accident/car crash

● 辨析  acquire, require和 inquire

acquire 取得;获得;学到(知识等)。

如:acquire knowledge获得知识;acquire skills掌握技能

inquire 打听,询问。

如:He went to the hospital to inquire about Tom. 他到医院去打听汤姆的情况。

require 需要。

如:We require more help.我们需要更多的帮助。

【例题】Mr. Smith gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.

A. attained

B. achieved

C. required

D. acquired


『答案解析』句意:Smith先生逐渐获得了关于这门课的知识。achieve取得 (胜利、成功等),实现(目标、目的等) 。attain达到 (目的等),取得 (成就等)。

● 辨析  in addition 和 in addition to

in addition 是一介词短语,作副词用,相当于词组as well,其后不能跟名词或其他任何成分,一般位于两个句子中间或位于句末。位于两句中时,常用一逗号与句子隔开。

如:There are many shops around the railway station. In addition, there are some newly-built hotels there.

in addition to 是一短语介词,其后接名词或代词等作其宾语,意义大体相当as well as和 besides。

如:In addition to a diet, she pursues various exercises on TV.

【例题】 __________ Japanese, she has to study another foreign language.

A. Except

B. Except for

C. In addition to

D. Beside



adopt [ 'd pt] vt. 收养;采用;采取

●辨析    adopt和 adapt

adopt 1) 收养。

如:Since they have no children, they decide to adopt a little girl.

2) 采纳,采用。

如:He adopted our suggestion.

adapt 使适应(用于短语adapt sb to sth)

如:I have adapted myself to the college life.

●辨析    alike, like和likely

alike 形容词,"相像的"(作表语)。

如:She and her mother are alike in appearance. 在外貌上,她和她母亲长的很像。

like 介词,相像的。

如:He looks like his brother.

likely 形容词,可能的(常用语短语be likely to do)。

如:He is likely to be absent from school today.

No two snowflakes are alike in the world.

●辨析    alive, live, living, lively和lovely

alive 活的(表语形容词)。

如:To live is not just to be alive, but to be alive is to live.一个人不是为了活才生,而是为了生才活。

live 活的,有生命的(作定语);直播的(节目)。

如: Mother bought some live fish yesterday. 昨天妈妈买了几条活鱼。

Live programme直播节目

●辨析    alive, live, living, lively和lovely

living 活着的,(尤指)现在的。

如: He is one of the greatest living composers in the world. 他是在世的最伟大的作曲家之一。

lively 活泼的。

如:He is always a bright and lively child.他是一个聪明活泼的孩子。

lovely adj.可爱的,秀美的;令人愉快的,美好的。

如:You look lovely in blue.你穿着蓝衣服看起来很漂亮。

【真题】Stephen is the only man in the village _____ today that has survived the war.

A. live

B. lived

C. alive

D. active



●辨析    above all和after all,in all,at all

above all"首先"、"最重要的是",常位于句首或句中。

如:But above all tell me quickly what I have to do.可首先快些告诉我该做什么。

after all"毕竟"、"终究"、"终归"、"到底",可位于句首、句中或句末。

in all"总共",既可放在句首,也可放在句末。

如:There are 25,000 people in all. 这儿共有25,000人。

at all用于否定句,"丝毫;根本";用于疑问句"究竟"

如:He doesn't like you at all.他根本不喜欢你。

【例1】I think we should let Maria go camping with her boyfriend. _____, she's a big girl now.

A. Above all

B. After all

C. First of all

D. For all


『答案解析』句意:我想我们应该让Maria和他的男朋友一起去宿营。毕竟她现在已经长大了。"for all + 名词"意为"尽管"。

【例2】It isn't whether he works hard; The question is whether he works _____.

A. above all

B. in all

C. at all

D. after all



●辨析    almost和most,mostly

almost 副词"几乎"。

如:It was almost dark when he reached there. 他到那里的时候,天差不多黑了。

most 可用作形容词和名词,表示"大多数的,大部分的"的意思。

如:Most students like English. 大多数学生喜欢英语。


如: Guilin is a most beautiful city. 桂林是座非常美丽的城市。

mostly 用作副词,"通常,在多数情况下"。

如:She is mostly out on Sundays. 她星期日通常外出。

【真题】The patient's recovery was very encouraging as he could _______ get out of bed without help.

A. only

B. almost

C. merely

D. hardly



●辨析    alone和lonely



如:When she is alone, she feels lonely. 剩下她一人时她就感到寂寞。

●辨析    alone和only

alone, only均可表"只有",但alone须置于被修饰词之后,only往往置于被修饰词前。

如:He alone can remember the story. 只有他才能记起这段经历。

=Only he can remember the story.

【真题】The task is too much for me, so I can't carry on _______ any longer. I must get some help.

A. singly

B. simply

C. alone

D. lonely



●辨析    amaze和amuse

amaze 使某人惊讶

如:I am amazed at his excellent performance at the party last night.

amuse 逗乐;逗笑;(提供)消遣

如:I bought some books to amuse myself on the train.

amusement park 游乐园

【真题】When he was set free after twenty years in prison he was amazed ______ the changes he found.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. to



【例题】 Life on earth is ______varied and complex.

A. amazingly

B. amusedly

C. amazedly

D. amusingly

      『正确答案』 A


●辨析    affect,effect,infect和perfect

affect 影响(动词)。

如: Smoking affects health.吸烟有害健康。


如:Government policy will not have any effect on us.政府政策对我们没有影响。


如: The laboratory animals were infected with the bacteria. 实验室的动物感染上了这种细菌。


如: He thought this was the first pair of shoes that had fitted him perfectly. 他认为这是第一双完全适合他的鞋子。

cause and effect 因果关系

【真题1】The disease_____ his mind so that he lost his memory.

A. effected

B. impressed

C. affected

D. hurt



【真题2】The new law, it is said, will be ________.

A. put into effect

B. taken into account

C. kept in sight

D. brought to mind



【真题3】The doctor tried to do an experiment to find out the _____ of the medicine on the mice.

A. cause

B. result

C. reason

D. effect



【例题】Once out of the earth's gravity, the astronaut is ______ by the problem of weightlessness

A. affected

B. effected

C. inclined

D. reflected


『答案解析』句意:一旦失去了地球的重力,宇航员将会受到失重的影响。incline有….倾向; reflect反映体现。

●辨析    apply for 和apply …to

apply for的意思是"申请,请求"。

如:I want to apply for the position.我想申请这个职位。

apply… to的意思是"把…应用到…"。

如:We should apply a theory to practice.我们应当把理论应用于实践。

【真题1】We have ________ to the government for a home improvement loan.

A. arranged

B. approached

C. applied

D. appointed



【真题2】After 15 years in the United States, he has finally decided to_____ American citizenship.

A. concentrate on

B. apply for

C. look out for

D. appeal on



●辨析    arise, rise, raise, arouse和rouse


如:Accidents usually arise from carelessness. 车祸通常源于粗心。

●辨析    arise, rise, raise, arouse和rouse


如:Black smoke rose from the chimney. 黑烟从烟筒中冒出。


如:He is too weak to raise that heavy box. 他身体虚弱,举不起那个重盒子。


如:His behavior aroused the interest of the neighbors. 他的行为引起了邻居的兴趣。


如:My mother will rouse me from my sleep every morning. 妈妈每天叫我起床。

【真题1】With oil prices keeping ________ , people are hesitating whether to buy a car or not.

A. rising

B. arising

C. raising

D. arousing



【真题2】The problem has _______ simply because you didn't follow my instruction.

A. raised

B. risen

C. arisen

D. aroused



【例题1】Voices were _____ as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.

A. spoken

B. raised

C. developed

D. increased


『答案解析』句意:随着两个司机的争吵愈演愈烈,双方都提高了嗓门。raise (=lift up) one's voice提高嗓门,高声叫喊。

【例题2】Though _____ in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.

A. raised

B. grown

C. developed

D. cultivated


『答案解析』句意:尽管在旧金山长大,但戴夫米切尔总是愿意把小镇生活中平凡的事情记载下来。本句中Though raised in San Francisco是省略的让步状语从句。raise (=bring up) 抚养;grow种植;cultivate耕作;培养 (友谊等)。

【例题3】The story of the homeless orphan has _____ sympathy from the public.

A. aroused

B. attracted

C. defended

D. adopted



