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自考00015英语二-Unit 2 Mistake to Success【词汇学习】


A Famous Quote

  Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.

                           ——Winston Churchill



TEXT A Spilt Milk

  cry over spilt milk express regret for sth. that has happened and cannot be remedied 为已经发生而无法补救的事懊悔

  New Words

  spill v. (especially of liquid) to flow over the edge of the container by accident (使)洒出,泼出,溢出

  respond v. to do something as a reaction to something that somebody has said or done 作出反应,响应

  interview v. to ask somebody questions about their life, opinions, etc., especially on the radio or television for a newspaper or magazine (媒体)采访;访问

  creative adj. involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce something new or a work of art创造(性)的;创作的

  occur v. to happen 发生;出现

  remove v. to take something or somebody away from a place 移开;拿开;去掉

  refrigerator n. a piece of electrical equipment in which food is kept cold so that it stays fresh 冰箱

  grip n. an act, of holding somebody/something tightly 紧握;紧抓

  slippery adj. difficult to hold or to stand or move on, because it is smooth, wet or polished 滑的;滑的抓不住(或站不稳,难以行走)的

  content n. the things that are contained in something 所容纳之物;所含之物

  veritable adj. a word used to emphasize that somebody/something can be compared to somebody/ something else that is more exciting, more impressive, etc. 十足的;名副其实的;不折不扣的

  yell v. to shout loudly, for example, because you are angry, excited, frightened or in pain 喊;大喊;吼叫

  lecture n. a long angry talk that somebody gives to one person or a group of people because they have done something wrong(冗长的)教训,训斥,谴责

  mess n. a dirty or untidy state 肮脏;杂乱;不整洁

  rarely adv. not very often 罕有;很少;不常

  puddle n. a small amount of water or other liquid, especially rain, that has collected in one place on the ground 水洼;小水坑

  eventually adv. at the end of a period of time or a series of events 最后;终于

  restore v. to bring somebody/something back to a former condition, place or position 使复原;使复位,使复职

  sponge n. a piece of artificial or natural material that is soft and light and full of holes and can hold water easily, used for washing or cleaning 海绵块

  effectively adv. in a way that produces the intended result or a successful result 有效的

  tiny adj. very small in size or amount 极小的;微小的

  discover v. to find out about something or information about something 了解到;认识到;查明

  grasp v. to take a firm hold of somebody/ something 抓紧;抓牢

  lip n. the edge of a container or a hollow place in the ground (容器或凹陷地方的)边,边沿

  renowned adj. famous and respected 有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的

  remark v. to say or write a commend about something/somebody 谈论;评论

  opportunity n. a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something 机会;时机

  scientific adj. connected with science 科学(上)的;关于科学的

  valuable adj. very usefu1 很有用的;很重要的;宝贵的

  Phrases and Expressions

  in this manner in the way which something is done or happens 用这种方式

  set …apart from to make somebody/ something different from or better than others 区别;使与众不同


  spill v. (especially of liquid) to flow over the edge of the container by accident (使)洒出,泼出,溢出

  eg: The ink spilt all over the desk. 墨水洒了一桌子。

  Who has spilt/spilled the milk? 谁把牛奶泼出来了?


  cry over spilt milk express regret for sth. that has happened and cannot be remedied. 为已经发生而无法补救的事懊悔

  eg: You've broken it now; it's no use crying over spilt milk! 你现在既已把它损坏了,后悔是没有用的!

  interview v. to ask somebody questions about their life, opinions, etc., especially on the radio or television for a newspaper or magazine (媒体)采访;访问

  eg: We interviewed 20 people for the job. 为这份工作我们对20人进行了面试。


  inter- 在…之间

  internet 互联网

  international 国际的

  interview 面试

  -ee 动作的受动者

  interviewee n. person who is interviewed (面试中)受审核者;被接见者;被采访者

  employee 雇员,examinee 考生

  -er 动作的执行者

  interviewer n. person who conducts an interview 主持面试者;接见者;采访者

  employer雇主,examiner 考官

  re- = again = 再

  rename 重命名

  replace 替代

  remove v. to take something or somebody away from a place 移开;拿开;去掉


  ~ sth./sb. (from sth.)

  eg: remove the dishes (from the table) (从餐桌上)撤去碗碟

  restore v. to bring somebody/something back to a former condition, place or position 使复原;使复位,使复职


  ~ sb./sth. to sth.

  eg: restore sacked workers to their old jobs 使被解雇的工人复工

  remark v. to say or write a commend about something/somebody 谈论;评论


  ~ on/upon sth./ sb.

  eg: I couldn't help remarking on her youth. 我脱口而出说她那么年轻。

  Spilt Milk
