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出 版 社:中国人民大学

版  次:2005年版


Lesson 1 International Business 1

Lesson 2 Income Level andthe World Market 5

Lesson 3 Regional Economic Integration 10

Lesson 4 Economic Globalization 15

Lesson 5 International Trade(I) 19

Lesson 6 International Trade(II) 21

Lesson 7 Incoterms 2000 25

Lesson 8 The Business Contract 28

Lesson 9 Modes of Trade 31

Lesson 10 International Payment 35

Lesson 11 The Letter of Credit(I) 信用证(I) 38

Lesson 12 The Letter of Credit(II)信用证(II) 41

Lesson 13 Major Documents Required in World Trade 44

Lesson 14 International Transportation 51

Lesson 15 Insurance(I) 55

Lesson 16 Insurance(II) 57

Lesson 17 The International MonetarySystem and Exchange Rate 59

Lesson 18 International Financial Organizations 65

Lesson 19 Foreign Direct Investment 69

Lesson 20 International Stock Exchange 73

Lesson 21 The World Trade Organization and China 77

Lesson 22 The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 83



Lesson 1 International Business


  Eg:International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries.

  >>Customs area: 关税区

  >>In compliance with: 遵从,遵照

  >>Conversion:转换,兑换 Currency Conversion货币兑换

  >>Visible trade: 有型贸易(一般指有型商品贸易)

  >>Invisible trade: 无形贸易


  >>For short:简称 Foreign direct investments,FDI for short.




  >>Portfolio investment: 证券投资

  >>Stocks: 股票


  >>maturity: (票据等)到期,到期日;成熟

  >>Certificate of deposit: 大额存单 deposit money存款

  >>Other than: 而不是

  >>Licensing:许可经营 licensor许可方 licensee被许可方

  >>Franchising: 特许经营franchiser 特许方/特许授权方 franchisee被特许方/特许经营人



  >>Patent: 专利

  >>royalty n.专利使用费,许可使用费,版税



  >>Management contract: 管理合同


  >>Flat:平的,一律的, 无变动的 flat payment: 固定金额

  >>Value chain:价值链

  >>Contract manufacturing: 承包生产

  >>Turnkey project:交钥匙工程

  -- design(设计)

  -- contract(建造)

  -- equip facility (装配设备)

  -- hand over(交工)

  >>BOT: 建设,经营,移交(B:build, O:operate, T: transfer)

  >>Stand for: 表示,代表


  >>Account for: 占..比例

  Definition of International Business

  International Business(国际商务/国际贸易) refers to: transaction between parties from different countries.不同国家之间的商务贸易往来

  Note: business across the borders of different Customs Areas(关税区) of the same country is also regarded as import and export.


  Such as business between Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, and Free Trade Zone within China territory(自贸区:属于境内关外,进入关内属于进口)

  Differences between International Business and Domestic Business

  1.Different Legal Systems(不同法律系统)---parties adjust themselves to operate in compliance with the foreign law.

  2.Usually Different Currencies(通常货币不同)

  ---have to decide which currency to use ---currency conversion(货币转换)

  --Uncertainties and even risks(USD)

  3.Cultural Differences(文化差异): language, customs, traditions, religion, value, behavior etc.

  ---challenges and even traps

  4.Different Policies(不同政策)--Countries vary in natural and economic conditions.

  Forms of International Business国际商务体现形式

  1.Commodity Trade(商品贸易), also called visible trade(有形贸易) Invisible Trade(无形贸易)/Service Trade(服务贸易):

  2.International Investment(国际投资):

  2.1Foreign direct investments(国外直接投资),FDI for short.2.2 Portfolio investment(证券投资)

  3.International Licensing and Franchising (国际许可和特许经营)

  4.Management Contract, Contract Manufacturing, and Turnkey Project(管理合同,生产合同和交钥匙工程)

  Commodity Trade(商品贸易)

  1.Commodity Trade(商品贸易) Visible Trade(有形贸易)

  Definition: exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another.This form of trade is also referred to as visible trade.Simplified into: Export or Import-goods-one country to another-for consumption or resale—also called Visible Trade

  2.Invisible Trade(无形贸易)Service Trade(服务贸易):

  in the form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc.---gradually more important.increasing proportion of world trade.

  International Investment 国际投资

  >>Definition:Supplying capital by residents of one country to another由一国居民向另一国提供资金

