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自考00012英语一-Unit 1 Foreign Language Learning【课文A学习】


;Text A
Pre-reading Questions
  1. Do you find it difficult to learn a foreign language? What are some of the difficulties you have?
  2. What suggestions have your teachers or anybody else made about learning a foreign language?
Learning a Foreign Language
  There are many ways to learn a foreign language well! ①Read the suggestions below. Following these steps will give you a firm foundation.
  1) Spend time
  By far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language. ②The more time you spend on the language, the faster you will learn. ③This means listening, reading, writing and speaking. It does not mean sitting in class looking out of the window, or listening to other students who do not speak well, or expecting explanations in your own language about how the language works. ④ It means spending time enjoyably on whatever relates to the language you are learning. ⑤
  2) Listen and read every day
  Wherever you are, listen to the language on your MP3 player and read what you are listening to. ⑥Listen to and read materials that you like, materials that you can mostly understand, or even only partly understand. If you keep listening and reading, you will get used to the language. One hour of listening and reading each day is more effective than many hours of class time.
  3) Focus on words and phrases
  Build up your vocabulary. You'll need lots. Start to notice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through listening and reading. Read online, using online dictionaries, and make your own vocabulary lists for review. Soon you will run into your new words and phrases elsewhere. Gradually you will be able to use them. Do not worry about how accurately you speak until you have accumulated plenty of words through listening and reading. ⑦
  4) Take responsibility for your own learning
  If you do not want to learn the language, you won't. If you do want to learn the language, take control. Choose content that interests you, that you want to listen to and read. Look up the words and phrases that you need in order to understand your listening and reading. Do not wait for someone else to show you the language or tell you what to do. ⑧Discover the language by yourself, like a child growing up. Talk when you feel like it. Write when you feel like it. A teacher cannot teach you to become fluent, but you can learn to become fluent if you want to.
  5) Relax and enjoy yourself
  Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. ⑨You are learning and improving. The language will gradually become clearer, but this will happen at a pace that you cannot control. ⑩So sit back and enjoy. Above all, make sure you spend enough time with the language. That is the greatest guarantee of success.
Key Sentences
  1、There are many ways to learn a foreign language well!
  2、By far the most important factor is how much time you are immersed in the language.
  3、The more time you spend on the language, the faster you will learn.
  4、It does not mean sitting in class looking out of the window, or listening to other students who do not speak well, or expecting explanations in your own language about how the language works.
  5、It means spending time enjoyably on whatever relates to the language you are learning.
  6、Wherever you are, listen to the language on your MP3 player and read what you are listening to.
  7、Do not worry about how accurately you speak until you have accumulated plenty of words through listening and reading.
  8、Look up the words and phrases that you need in order to understand your listening and reading. Do not wait for someone else to show you the language or tell you what to do.
  9、Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter.
  不要担心你记不住或者不明白或者不能说, 没有关系(不要紧)。
  10、The language will gradually become clearer, but this will happen at a pace that you cannot control.
Text A
  Ⅰ. Checking Your Comprehension
  Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage.
  1.The author suggests that a foreign language learner should_________________.
  A) observe how other people speak
  B) spend more time in class
  C) be clear about how the language works
  D) enjoy being involved with the language
【答案解析】本题考查作者对外语学习者的建议。文章第二段最后一句提到,spending time enjoyably on whatever relates to the language your are learning,即要多花时间心情愉悦地学习任何与所学语言相关的东西。答案为D。
  2. According to the author, a good language learner should_________________.
  A) carry an MP3 player at all times
  B) read what he or she is listening to
  C) listen to and read the most difficult texts possible
  D) stay away from teachers and class time
【答案解析】本题考查一个好的语言学习者的做法。文章第三段首句提到, listen to language on your MP3 player and read what you are listening,即听你的MP3播放器里的外语音频,然后read 你听到的内容。答案为B。
  3. Learning a foreign language well involves_________________.
  A) building up one's vocabulary
  B) making one's own dictionary
  C) avoiding new words and phrases
  D) stressing accuracy rather than fluency
【答案解析】本题考查课文对学好英语的建议。课文中the third step 首句提到,build up your vocabulary,即扩充你的词汇量。答案为A。
  4. If you want to learn a language well, you should_________________.
  A) learn the language like a child
  B) depend mostly on your teacher
  C) be responsible for your own learning
  D) ask someone to tell you what to do
【答案解析】通过浏览各个选项可知,C项在课文第五段中被提及,即take responsibility for your own learning,即对你自己的学习负责。答案为C。
  5. The author believes that the greatest guarantee of success is_________________.
  A) to relax and enjoy yourself
  B) to forget what you cannot remember
  C) to have a leisurely pace
  D) to spend enough time with the language
【答案解析】通过关键词greatest guarantee of success可以定位到文章最后一段的最后一句,this指代前一句的内容,即spend enough time with the language is the greatest guarantee of success。答案为D。
  Ⅱ. Building Your Vocabulary 词汇学习
  Section A
  Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.
  1. We welcome any comments and _________________ about these plans. (suggest, suggestions)
  2. Right now I cannot give you a detailed _________________ of why I'm late. (explain, explanation)
【答案解析】名词短语a detailed在句中作动词give的直接宾语,空格中的词作形容词detailed修饰的中心词,因此应填入名词形式。答案为explaination。
  3. The minister took _________________ for the disaster and resigned. (responsible, responsibility)
【答案解析】空格中的词在句中作动词take的宾语,因此应该填入一个名词。且take responsibility for对……负责,是动词短语固定搭配。答案为responsibility。
  4. When I get home from work, I like to _________________ with a glass of wine. (relax, relaxing)
【答案解析】本题考查动词like的用法。like to do something或者like something,to后面接动词原形。答案为relax。
  5. The _________________ of almost any project depends largely on its manager. (success, successful)
  6. She is such a good teacher, and her lessons are really _________________. (enjoyable, enjoyably)
【答案解析】空格中的词位于be动词are的后面,在句子中作表语成分,副词enjoyably 不能作表语,形容词enjoyable(令人愉快的)可以作表语,符合题意。答案为enjoyable。
  Section B
  Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
  ③list ⑤partly ①matters ⑥involves
  ②fluently ④guarantee accumulate factor
  1. As long as you are happy, that‘s all that _________________.
【答案解析】句意:只要你高兴,那就很重要。as long as 表示条件,意思是“只要”,引导条件状语从句。all that相当于what,即that is what matters,语法结构是that is+宾语从句。答案为matters。
  2. Tom didn't read _________________ till he was nearly eight.
【答案解析】句意:直到将近8岁的时候,他才能读得流利。注意not till 句的翻译“直到……才”,根据关键词read 可知,fluent 可以搭配修饰,因此空格中应该填入fluent 的副词形式。答案为fluently。
  3. We are making a _________________ of the top ten men we would not want to be married to.
【答案解析】句意:我们不想嫁给那些在我们列表上排在前十位的男人。make a list 列表、列个清单,是固定搭配。答案为list。
  4. A famous brand name is not necessarily a _________________ of quality.
【答案解析】句意:一个知名的商标品牌不必然是品质保证。不定冠词a修饰空格中的词,在句中做标语成分。因此空格中应该填入一个能与quality 搭配的名词形式,guarantee of quality 品质保证。答案为guarantee。
  5. I feel _________________ responsible for the problems we're having.
【答案解析】句意:我觉得我应该为我们现有的问题付部分责任。观察本句成分可知,空格中填入的词在句子中做状语成分,同时根据句意,partly 符合题意,修饰形容词 responsible。答案为partly。
  6. Any investment _________________ an element of risk.
【答案解析】句意:任何投资都包含风险的成分。空格中填入的词在句中作谓语,因此应该填入一个动词。且根据主语 investment 与宾语 risk 的逻辑关系可知,投资也是包含风险的。答案为involves。
  Section C
  Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.
  1. She was immersed _________________ her work to try and forget her problems at home.
【答案解析】她沉浸于她的工作,试图忘记家庭的烦恼。be immersed in是固定搭配,意思是沉浸于。答案为in。
  2. I found the job tiring at first, but I soon got used _________________ it.
【答案解析】我发现这份工作开始很无聊,但是很快我就适应了。get used to是固定搭配,意思是习惯于;适应于。答案为to。
  3. All eyes were focused _________________ the young actress who was sitting at the table next to us.
【答案解析】句意:所有的眼睛都集中于这位年轻的表演者身上,她坐在我们旁边的桌子边上。focus on 是固定搭配,意思是集中(注意力、精力)于。答案为on。
  4. All the pressure built _________________ and he was off work for weeks with stress.
【答案解析】句意:各方面的压力越来越大,他因负荷太重有好几个星期没来上班。build up是固定搭配,意思是(使扩大)、增多。答案为up。
  5. I ran _________________ an old friend on the street yesterday.
【答案解析】句意:昨天我在街上偶然遇到一位老朋友。run into是固定搭配,意思是偶然遇见,碰到。答案为into。
  6. When we took control _________________ the company, it was losing money.
【答案解析】句意:当我们掌管这个公司的时候,它正在亏本中。take control
  Ⅲ. Bridging the Gap
  Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose a suitable one from the list given.
  ⑥、look for ⑧、funny ③、started ⑩、because
  ⑤、success ①、learning ⑦、Actually
  ②、discourages ⑨、speak ④、without
  "You need to start early, or as a kid in order to be fluent in English (or any other language)!"This is one of the biggest myths about 1 a new language. What is really sad about this belief is that it actually 2 people from trying. If you are 18 or 30 or 65 and you truly believe you should have 3 when you were younger, then either you will not try (since you will think you are too old), or you will try 4 believing in it. When we do something without believing in it, guess what? Yes, we usually fail, since motivation is a big factor in 5 .
【正确答案】1.learning 2.discourages 3.started 4.without 5. success
【答案解析】1.首先根据空格后面的关健词language 确定空格中应填入的动词为learn。about作为介词时,后面直接名词或是动名词,因此词learn应该转化为动名词形式learning。答案为learning。
  2.根据前面的关键词sad及句意可知,此处空格应该填入一个表示消极意思的动词,且discourage somebody from doing 不鼓励某人做某事,是固定搭配。根据主语是第三人称单数it,确定动词后面要加s。答案为discourages。
  3.根据空格前面的年龄18/30/65以及后面的younger可以确定,动词start符合题意。同时根据空格前面的have 可知,应该填入start 的完成时态。答案为started。
  4.or连接前后两个成分表示选择关系,根据前面的truly believe,可知后面应该是 believe的否定形式,因此believing前面的空格应该填入表示否定的词。答案为without。
  5.since在句中表示原因,解释前面的usually fail。因为motivation在成功中很重要。那么如果失败,就是因为没有motivation。答案为success。
  It is only natural to 6 reasons that can explain our difficulties in doing something. However, you are never too old to exercise, travel, learn anything or…learn a new language. 7 , all these activities help you live longer, enjoy your retirement, keep your brain working and maintain your language skills.
【正确答案】6. look for 7. Actually
【答案解析】6.根据空格后面的reasons以及explain的逻辑关系可知,是要寻找答案来explain一些事情中的难题。答案为look for。
  What is 8 is that I always hear this belief from people who do NOT speak any foreign language! Meanwhile, of course, people who do, 9 several languages do not bother mentioning it. Why? Quite simply , let's face it, 10 most, people who learn a new language do so as adults. That's when you need to!
【正确答案】8. funny 9. speak 10. because
【答案解析】 8.根据空格后面的句意,有趣的是,我总能从那些根本不说外语的人那里听到这个观点。funny滑稽的、有趣的,符合题意。答案为funny。
  9.meanwhile 是与此同时,含有递进的意思。speak 是与language 搭配的固定动词,且do加动词原形表示强调的意思。答案为speak。
  10.根据空格前面的why可知,后面是对前面讲述的内容进行解释, because 表原因,符合题意。答案为because。
  Ⅳ. Translation
  Section A
  Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words of phrases in the brackets.
  1. Busy preparing for the exam, he _______________ (完全沉浸在学习中).( be immersed in)
【正确答案】has been immersed in studying
【答案解析】busy preparing for the exam 是现在分词形式作伴随状语,表示与主语动作同时发生。be immersed in 沉浸于,是固定搭配。答案为 has been immersed in studying。翻译:由于忙于准备考试,他完全沉浸在学习之中。
  2. Though he was in college for quite a few months, he_______________________(不习惯离家在外的校园生活).(get used to)
【正确答案】had not got used to living campus away from home.
【答案解析】根据前半句的was判断,后句也应该用过去完成时。get used to 习惯于,是固定动词短语搭配。答案为had not got used to living campus away from home。翻译:尽管他上大学几个月了,仍不习惯离家在外的校园生活。
  3. He took the part-time job ___________________(为了积累经验).(build up)
【正确答案】to build up experience.
【答案解析】不定式中的to可表目的。积累经验,即build up experience。答案为 to build up experience。翻译:为了积累经验,他做这份兼职工作。
  4. As you have grown up, you should ____________ (对自己的言行负责).(take responsibility for)
【正确答案】take responsibility for your words and deeds.
【答案解析】as表示原因。take responsibility for 为……负责,是固定搭配。情态动词should后面直接接动词原形。答案为take responsibility for your words and deeds。翻译:因为你已经长大成人,你应当对自己的言行负责。
  5. Confidence and hard work __________________(是取得成功的最大保证).(guarantee)
【正确答案】are the biggest guarantee of success
【答案解析】the biggest guarantee 最大的保证。本题陈述一般性事实,因此用一般现在时即可。答案为are the biggest guarantee of success。翻译:自信并努力工作是取得成功的最大保证。
  Section B
  Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.
  Languages are meant to be spoken. So, in order to learn effectively, you should try to speak with someone face to face. Speaking will greatly increase your confidence. Of course, speaking with a native speaker is best. However, most learners do not live in English-speaking countries, and so are unlikely to be able to benefit from practising with native speakers. On the other hand, you can make very considerable progress by speaking to fellow learners. Don't be embarrassed because both of you are Chinese. Practise ten minutes every day . After a few weeks, you will begin to notice a difference. Speaking with others is the best way to ensure that you can really make yourself understood. It is also a good way of identifying the words and phrases that you will need in daily life.
  Ⅴ. Organizing Your Ideas
  Directions: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.
  1. The mother cat looked up and said, "Bow wow wow wow!!! "
  2. When the dog ran away, the mother cat said to her kittens,
  3. A mother cat was resting with her kittens in a garden.
  4. At this moment, a vicious dog approached menacingly.
  5. "See, children, there is always an advantage in learning a second language."
【正确答案】排列句子顺序: 3 — 4 — 1— 2 — 5
【解题思路】做句子排序题首先要通读各项,掌握短文的大意。然后要找出每一部分的关键词来确定句子先后顺序。第3句中交代了短文的关键信息:对象mother cat、kittens;地点in the garden,因此作为首句。最后根据每一句中的关键词 at this moment,looked up,run away 等确定各部分顺序。
  Ⅵ. Reflecting on the Text
  思考: 学习外语是否应该像儿童学习自己的母语?
  Almost all Chinese students have studied English for quite a few years but most of them cannot speak it correctly or fluently. Some people claim that the best way to learn a foreign language is to learn it as a child learns his mother tongue. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What are the differences between learning a foreign language and learning one's mother tongue? Give reasons and examples to support your answer.
  (2)勤加练习,善于学习(exercise and study).
  (3)每天进步一点点,就像孩子的成长一样(make progress every day)。
