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自考00012英语一-Unit 1 Foreign Language Learning【课文B学习】


;Text B
New Words
  1、comparison n. the process of comparing two or more people or things 比较
  2、tense n. any of the forms of a verb that may be used to show the time of the action or state expressed by the verb 时态
  3、preposition n. a word or a group of words, such as in, from, to, out, of, etc., used before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time or method 介词
  4、normally adv. usually, in normal circumstances 通常;在正常情况下
  5、precise adj. exact and accurate in detail or description 确切的;准确的
  6、creative adj. having the skill or ability to produce something new 有创造力的
  7、enhance v. to improve the quality, amount or strength of (something) 提高;增强;改进
  8、completely adv. totally, in every way possible 彻底地;完全地
  9、exclude v. to prevent somebody/ something from entering a place or taking part in something 把…排斥在外
  10、shun v. to determinedly avoid (somebody/something); to refuse to accept (somebody/ something) 避开;回避;避免
  11、relegate v. to put (something/ somebody) into a lower or less important rank or position 降级;降低…的地位
  12、cheesy adj. cheap or of low quality 劣质的;庸俗的
  13、receptive adj. willing to listen to and accept new ideas and suggestions 乐于接受的
  14、frustrating adj. causing you to feel annoyed or impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want 令人懊恼的;令人沮丧的
  15、medium n. a method or way of expressing something 媒介;手段;方法
  16、profoundly adv. in a way that has a very great effect on somebody/something 极大地,深刻地
  17、melodic adj. pleasant to listen to, like music 悦耳的;优美动听的
  18、grateful adj. showing or expressing thanks, especially to another person 感谢的;感激的
  19、stubbornly adv determinedly, strongly refused to change 固执地;顽固地
  20、ignore v. to intentionally not listen or give attention to 忽视;对…不予理会
  21、community n. the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests, background or nationality 社区;群体
  22、majority n. the largest part of a group of people or things 大多数
  23、tongue n. a language 语言
  24、isolated adj. without much contact with other people or other countries 孤独的;孤立的
  25、realize v. to understand or become aware of a particular fact or situation 理解;意识到
  26、immediately adv. without delay; at once 立刻;立即
  27、translate v. to change (words) into a different language 翻译
  28、immediate adj. happening or done without delay 立即的
  29、credibility n. the quality that somebody / something has that makes people believe or trust them 可信性;可靠性
  30、plain adv. completely, absolutely +足地;绝对地
  31、corny adj. lacking new ideas and sincerity; too often repeated and therefore not amusing or interesting 陈词滥调的;陈旧的;老生常谈的
  32、pick-up n. talking to somebody in a friendly way in the hope of having a casual relationship with them 调情
  33、tastefully adv. attractively, elegantly, in good taste 高雅地;有品位地;雅致地
  34、undeniably adv. truly, certainly, in a way that cannot be denied 无可辩驳地;不可否认地
  35、refinement n. the quality of being polite and educated and able to judge the quality of things 优雅;有礼貌;有教养
  36、coed n. a female student in a college with male and female students (男女同校的)女生
  Phrases and Expressions
  make sense to have a meaning that you can easily understand 有道理;有意义
  hear … out to listen until somebody has finished saying what they want to say 听某人把话说完
  measuring stick criterion used to measure something 量尺;标准
  take… for granted to believe something is true without even thinking about 认为……是理所当然的
  get the most out of to gain or obtain the best out of, make the best use of 获益最多;充分利用
  exclude……from to prevent somebody or something from taking part in something 把……排斥在外
  make an effort to make an attempt to do something, especially when it is difficult 尽力;努力
  be struck by to be impressed or interested by somebody/something, to like somebody/ something very much 被……打动;迷恋某人(某物)
  sell oneself short to put too low a value on oneself and what one does 低估,轻视,小瞧(自己)
  set……apart to make somebody/something different from or better than others 使与众不同:使突出
  be dying to do…… to be eager to do something, want to do something very much 渴望;极想
Text B
Pre-reading Questions
  1.Are you interested in English? Why do you think English has become the international language of the modern world?
  2.What reasons do you expect the author to give for learning a foreign language?
  Five Good Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language
  Still don't understand learning a foreign language is a good idea? Read the following and you will get the idea!
  1.Improve your native language
  I know this might not make sense at first but hear me out. ⑴ As a person who speaks only one language, you have no basis for comparison; all you know is your native language. In different languages the same idea is often expressed in different ways. Knowing another language gives you a great measuring stick. It will help you better understand tenses, prepositions and all the other parts of speech we normally take for granted. ⑵ You will find yourself speaking and writing more precise and creative sentences. There is a reason why most great writers and poets are students of many languages. ⑶
  2.Enhance your experience of travel
  Traveling is one of the great joys of life and also one of the most expensive. Why not get the most out of it? If you don't know the language of the places you visit, you are completely excluded from the culture. ⑷ The locals shun you and you are relegated to sightseeing and taking cheesy photos. ⑸ Knowing even a few phrases of the language will make a huge difference. You will meet many more people and find it much easier to get around. People are much more receptive if you make an effort to speak their language. ⑹ This can turn a frustrating experience into the trip of a lifetime.
  3.Languages are beautiful
  Language is what makes us human. It is the medium we use to share our thoughts with the rest of the world. Can you imagine thought without language? Great language also has a wonderful musical quality. Learning a new language is like learning a new way to think and a new way to sing. I am often struck by new phrases that are profoundly meaningful and melodic. ⑺ At those moments I feel grateful to be alive. Don't sell yourself short by stubbornly ignoring every language but one. ⑻
  4.Join the global community
  Believe it or not, the majority of the world does not speak our mother tongue. We are so isolated that we hardly realize this. ⑼ The truth is that new thoughts and ideas are appearing everywhere and they are not being immediately translated. ⑽ The world is getting smaller and we are coming into contact with more non-Chinese speakers all the time. Gain an advantage for yourself in business and personal relationships by being able to communicate with people in their language. ⑾ This will set you apart and gain you immediate respect and credibility.
  Last, but not least:
  5.It's just plain cool
  I'm not saying you should learn a few corny French pick-up lines and go saying them to everyone you meet, but knowing a foreign tongue and applying it tastefully is undeniably attractive.⑿ It implies education, good taste and refinement, and it will certainly make you stand out against the competition. ⒀ Imagine saying a beautiful phrase with perfect pronunciation to a lovely coed. You will immediately have her attention; she will be dying to know what it means. I know this from experience.
Key Sentences
  1.I know this might not make sense at first but hear me out.
  2.It will help you better understand tenses, prepositions and all the other parts of speech we normally take for granted.
  3.There is a reason why most great writers and poets are students of many languages.
  4.If you don't know the language of the places you visit, you are completely excluded from the culture.
  5.The locals shun you and you are relegated to sightseeing and taking cheesy photos.
  6.People are much more receptive if you make an effort to speak their language.
  7.I am often struck by new phrases that are profoundly meaningful and melodic.
  8.Don't sell yourself short by stubbornly ignoring every language but one.
  9.We are so isolated that we hardly realize this.
  10.The truth is that new thoughts and ideas are appearing everywhere and they are not being immediately translated.
  11.Gain an advantage for yourself in business and personal relationships by being able to communicate with people in their language.
  12.I'm not saying you should learn a few corny French pick-up lines and go saying them to everyone you meet, but knowing a foreign tongue and applying it tastefully is undeniably attractive.
  13.It implies education, good taste and refinement, and it will certainly make you stand out against the competition.
  1. A pick-up line is a conversation opener with the intent of engaging an unfamiliar person for sex, romance, or dating. Overt and sometimes humorous displays of romantic interest, pick-up line are often used as ''ice-breakers" when meeting a person for the first time, as they tend to be casual and open-ended, offering the opportunity for romantic remarks and jokes.
