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自考00012英语一-Unit 1 Foreign Language Learning【课后习题解答】



  Ⅰ checking your comprehension

  Section A

  Direction: Read the following statements and mark Y (for Yes) if the statement agrees with the information given in the text; N (for No) if the statement contradicts the information given in the text; NG (for Not Given) if the information is not given in the text.

  (  )1. Learning a foreign language can help you understand your mother tongue better.


【答案解析】句意:学习一门外语能帮助你更好地理解你的母语。课文第二段提到,学习外语能够improve your native language,更好地理解时态、介词等。答案为Y。

  (  )2. Most great writers and poets know more than one language.


【答案解析】句意:很多作家以及诗人都不只会一门语言。根据关键词writers and poets定位到第二段最后一句,即这就是为什么很多伟大的作家和诗人都曾学习多门语言。答案为Y。

  (  )3. Knowing only a few words and phrases of a foreign language is of little help.


【答案解析】句意:知道几个外语单词和词组没有多大帮助。课文第三段第五句中提到, knowing even a few phrases will make a huge difference,即学会一些外语句子就会有很大不同,比如可能会遇到很多人,更容易融入当地生活等。答案为N。

  (  )4. Knowing a foreign language can enhance your experience of travel.


【答案解析】句意:懂得一门外语能够改善你的旅行体验。课文标题2中涉及如下观点: enhance your experience of travel 改善你的旅行体验,因此本题说法正确。答案为Y。

  (  )5. Language is the only medium for us to express our thoughts.



  (  )6. A foreign language is the most important factor in business and personal relationships.



  Section B

  Directions: Complete the following sentences with the information given in the text.

  1. Speakers of different languages often express the same idea ____________.


【正确答案】in different ways

【答案解析】课文第二段第三句提到,in different languages the same idea is often expressed in different ways,即同一个概念在不同的语言中有不同的表达方法。答案为in different ways。

  2. If you don't know the local language, you will be excluded from_____________.


【正确答案】the culture

【答案解析】通过关键词exclude from定位到文章第三段第三句,if you don't know the language of the places you visit, you are excluded from the culture,即如果你不懂你旅行目的地的语言,你会被当地文化排斥在外。答案为the culture。

  3. The author believes that learning a new language is like learning___________.


【正确答案】a new way to think and a new way to sing

【答案解析】本题考查学生学习一门新语言可以与学习____________相像。课文第四段第五句提到,Learning a new language is like learning a new way to think and a new way to sing,即学习一门新语言,就如同学习一种全新的思维方式以及歌唱方式一样。答案为a new way to think and a new way to sing。

  4.__________ is what makes us different from the animals.



【答案解析】课文第四段首句提到,Language is what makes us human,即语言是区分人类和动物的一大特征。答案为Language。

  5. Knowing a foreign language will set you apart and gain you __________.


【正确答案】immediate respect and credibility

【答案解析】通过关键词set apart定位到课文第五段最后一句,this will set you apart and gain you immediate respect and credibility, this 指代前文中的communicate with people in their language。答案为immediate respect and credibility。

  6. Speaking a foreign language beautifully can make you ___________.



【答案解析】最后一段提到,…knowing a foreign tongue and applying it tastefully is undeniably attractive,后面是对attractive 的具体举例。答案为attractive。

  Ⅱ Building Your Vocabulary

  Section A

  Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.

  1. The theory seems to have no __________ in facts.(base, basis)


【答案解析】句意:这项理论似乎没有事实根据。空格中的词在句子中作动词have 的宾语,因此应该填入一个名词。base 和basis 都可以作名词用,但是basis 作名词时可以用作抽象意义,即基础原则等;base多用于具体意义,根据theory可知,basis符合题意。答案为basis。

  2. It is difficult to make a __________ with her previous book-they are completely different. (compare, comparison)


【答案解析】不定冠词a修饰空格中的词,因此应该填入名词形式。且make a comparison进行比较,是固定搭配。答案为comparison。

  3. There are other restaurants where you can eat less__________.(expensive, expensively)



  4. He wrote the ___________ but I don't know who wrote the words.(music, musical)



  5. She was open-minded and always ________ to new ideas.(reception, receptive)



  6. Newspapers were talking of a ___________ gap between what he said and what he did. (credible, credibility)


【答案解析】空格中的词与前面的不定冠词a以及后面的名词gap构成名词短语,在句中作动词talking of 的宾语,因此空格中应该填入形容词credible,意思是可靠的。答案为credible。

  Section B

  Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

  ②precise ⑥ frustrate ③stubborn ④creative

  major refine ⑤isolation ①realized

  1. The moment I saw him, I ___________that something was wrong.



  2. Let's not trouble ourselves about the ______ details at the moment.


【答案解析】空格中的词修饰后面的名词details,并与前面的定冠词the构成名词短语,作介词about 的宾语,因此空格中应该填入一个形容词。precise 意为叙述清楚而准确的,符合题意。答案为precise。

  3. Like many __________ individuals, she can be very bad-tempered.


【答案解析】句意:像许多固执的人一样,她的脾气很坏。空格中的词在句子中修饰后面的名词individuals,同时根据后面bad-tempered可以推断出,前面应该填入的是形容词stubborn 固执的。答案为stubborn。

  4. He is a __________ character, used to getting his own way.


【答案解析】used to getting his own way习惯自己随心所欲,与别人不同,因此前面应该填入一个表示如此意思的形容词,修饰名词character。 creative 意为具有创造性的,符合题意。答案为creative。

  5. After all the visitor had left, she experienced a feeling of complete____________.



  6. Michael felt ____________ and depressed after his marriage ended in divorce.


【答案解析】Michael 离婚之后感到挫败和沮丧。and连接前后两个并列的词,同时根据后面的depressed可知,前面应该填入与depressed同为消极意思的词。frustrated挫败的,符合题意。答案为frustrated。

  Section C

  Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.

  1. Researchers are trying to relate low exam results ___________ large class sizes.


【答案解析】句意:研究人员尝试把考试成绩差(的原因)与班级规模大联系起来。relate.., to...意为把……和……联系起来,是固定搭配。答案为to。

  2. Many of us ___________ having an endless supply of clean water for granted.


【答案解析】句意:我们中的许多人想当然的认为纯净水的供应无穷无尽而不予以珍惜。take...for granted认为……理所当然,是固定搭配。答案为take。

  3. This article will show you how to get a job, keep it and make the most ___________ of it.


【答案解析】句意:这篇文章告诉我们怎样找工作,好好保存并充分利用它。make the most out of是固定短语,充分利用。答案为out。

  4. Tom has been excluded __________school for his bad behavior.


【答案解析】句意:汤姆因为他的不良行为而被学校拒绝接纳。exclude... from...是固定搭配,把……排除在……外。答案为from。

  5. In one year she turned from a problem child ___________a model student.


【答案解析】句意:她在一年中由一个问题儿童变成一个模范学生。turn into(使)成为,(使)变为,转变为,是固定搭配。答案为into。

  6. She came into contact ___________many important people during her stay in that city.


【答案解析】句意:她在那城市逗留期间,接触了许多要人。contact with是固定搭配,与……联系。答案为with。

  Ⅲ Translation

  Section A

  Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets.

  The rain didn't _____________________(对比赛没有多大影响). (make difference)

【正确答案】make any difference to the match

【答案解析】make difference关系重大,是固定搭配,后面接宾语的时候用of连接。答案为make any difference to the match。翻译:这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。

  2. The local clubs are__________________(正尽一切努力来吸引更多的年轻人) . (make effort)

【正确答案】making all the efforts to attract more young people

【答案解析】make efforts to do something尽力做某事,是固定搭配。make all the efforts尽全力吸引更多的年轻人,即attract more young people。答案为making all the efforts to attract more young people。翻译:当地的俱乐部正尽一切努力来吸引更多的年轻人。

  3. She seems to think that I _______________ (有份工作就该谢天谢地了). (be grateful)

【正确答案】should be grateful for just a job

【答案解析】be grateful for…意为对……心存感激。"应该"可用情态动词should表达。答案为should be grateful for just a job。翻译:她似乎认为我有份工作就该谢天谢地了。

  4.____________________(信不信由你,他向我求婚了)! (believe it or not)

【正确答案】Believe it or not, he proposed to me!

【答案解析】propose to someone是固定短语,意思是向某人求婚。答案为Believe it or not, he proposed to me. 翻译:信不信由你,他向我求婚了!

  5. Her elegant style _____________________ (使她与其他记者截然不同). (set…apart)

【正确答案】sets her apart from other reporters.

【答案解析】set apart是固定搭配,使……与……不同,后面接宾语的时候用from连接。记者可以译为journalists或者reporters。答案为sets her apart from other journalists/ reporters。翻译:她优雅的风格使她与其他记者截然不同。

  Section B

  Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

  Learning English isn't just about doing business. It also opens up your world to a lot of different fun activities. One of the main reasons people wish to learn English today is that they want to meet people from all over the world through the Internet. Through English, you will be able to talk to different people, and see the world through their eyes. You will be able to hear interesting stories and connect with the world in a way you may never have thought possible.



  Ⅳ Writing

  Section A

  Directions: The following sentences are grammatically incorrect or incoherent. Improve them.

  Example: Mathematics are required of all the freshmen.

  Revision: Mathematics is required of all the freshmen.

  1 .Somebody think that speaking is not as important as reading and writing.

【正确答案】Somebody thinks that speaking is not as important as reading and writing.

【答案解析】主语somebody 是第三人称单数,因此谓语动词think要加s。

  2. The students always working till late at night before taking exams.

【正确答案】The students are always working till late at night before taking exams.

  The students always work till late at night before taking exams.

【答案解析】本句中主语the students与现在分词working之间缺少be动词。be动词在现在进行时态中作助动词,意为正在进行的时候,be不能解释为"是",否则不通顺。或者改为一般现在时,谓语为work即可。

  3. However, there are still a lot of questions remain to be answered.

【正确答案】However, there are still a lot of questions remaining to be answered.


  4. He bought the vest at a men's clothing store which cost only five dollars.

【正确答案】He bought the vest at a men's clothing store which cost him only five dollars.

【答案解析】关系代词which引导定语从句,用来补充说明前面句子中的先行词the vest,本题中which引导的定语从句与先行词the vest相隔太远,易造成歧义。我们可利用cost sb. sth.的动词结构修正从句的结构,使表达更准确。

  5. If one is to read Beckett's plays intelligently, you should first familiarize yourself with Beckett's novels.

【正确答案】If you are to read Beckett's plays intelligently, you should first familiarize yourself with Beckett's novels



  塞缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett,1906年4月13日-1989年11月10日),20世纪爱尔兰、法国作家,创作的领域包括戏剧、小说和诗歌,尤以戏剧成就最高。他是荒诞派戏剧的重要代表人物。1969年,他因"以一种新的小说与戏剧的形式,以崇高的艺术表现人类的苦恼"而获得诺贝尔文学奖。

  Section B

  Directions: Supply a topic sentence for the following paragraph.

  ____________________________.According to a recent survey, over 95% of 13-year-olds in the UK now own a mobile phone, and teenagers are texting far more than they talk. The average young person makes or receives 3.5 calls a day, but sends or receives an incredible 9.6 texts a day. Because text length is limited to a maximum of 160 characters per message, young texters have developed new way of writing words and phrases in a shortened form, so as to use the smallest number of characters possible. For example the message "I hope to see you at the party later, love Jo" can be written Hope 2CU@partyL8R, luv Jo. Many people are concerned that Use of "text speak" is eroding the English language and damaging children's ability to write "correct" English. However, a definite link between texting and deterioration in children's writing has yet to be proved.

【正确答案】Texting is becoming more and more popular among young people.

