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自考00012英语一-Unit 2 A Path to Follow【课文A课后练习】


  Ⅰ. Checking Your Comprehension
  Directions: Choose the best answer to each question from the information given in the passage.
  1. The story tells us that we should_______.
  A) be ashamed of our faults
  B) not laugh at others' faults
  C) face our faults and turn them to our advantage
  D) not compare our faults with others' merits
  2. The perfect pot_______.
  A) was embarrassed for the cracked pot
  B) felt sympathetic towards the cracked pot
  C) felt sympathetic towards the bearer
  D) took pride in its achievement
【答案解析】课文第二段第一句提到,那个完美的罐子对自己的成就非常自豪,D项中take pride in与文中 be proud of 是同义关系,以……为傲。答案为D。
  3. When the cracked pot apologized, the water bearer_______.
  A) had pity on it
  B) burst out in anger
  C) expressed great concern
  D) seemed somewhat indifferent
【答案解析】课文第七段第一句提到,the water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot,即挑水工对旧罐子感到同情。feel sorry for与have pity on是同义短语,同情……。答案为A。
  4. The water bearer showed the cracked pot the flowers on the way to_______.
  A) discourage the perfect pot
  B) draw attention to its merit
  C) praise the beauty of nature
  D) point out the imperfection of the flowers
  5. The water bearer picked up the flowers to decorate_______.
  A) the perfect pot
  B) the master's house
  C) the cracked pot
  D) his own house
【答案解析】本题是对课文细节的考查,即挑夫采摘的花是用来装饰什么的。课文第九段倒数第二句提到,挑水工能够采摘到这些鲜花来decorate the master’s table.., to grace his house。答案为B。
  Ⅱ Building Your Vocabulary
  Section A
  Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets.
  1. One_______ of living in the town is the lack of safe places for children to play. (advantage, disadvantage)
【答案解析】句意:住在城市中的一个不利之处就是缺少让孩子玩耍的安全地方。根据后面的句意可知缺少让孩子玩耍的安全地方是一项缺点。advantage 优势;disadvantage 缺点。答案为disadvantage。
  2. All mail _______ were officially stopped for a short time during the strike. (deliver, deliveries)
【答案解析】句意:在罢工期间,邮递被官方临时禁止了。空格中填入的词与前面的mail一起在句子中作主语,因此应该填入一个名词形式的词。mail delivery 邮递,是固定搭配。答案为deliveries。
  3. The students _______ the task in less than ten minutes. (accomplished, accomplishment)
  4. This effect was_______ understood by designers at that time. (imperfect, imperfectly)
【答案解析】句意:那时候设计师们没有完全理解这个效果。空格中的词在句子中作状语修饰后面的动词understand,因此应该填入副词imperfectly 不完美地。答案为imperfectly。
  5. She manages to stay _______ despite everything. (cheer, cheerful)
  6. We have to change the public's _______ that money is being wasted. (perceive, perception)
  Section B
  Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.
④decorate ⑥imperfection ⑤miserable portion
③flaws ①cracked ②compassion reply
  1. She passed her tongue over her dry and_____ lips and tried to speak.
  2. I was hoping she might show a little _____ for victims of war.
【答案解析】句意:我希望她能对战争的遇难者们表示一下同情。空格中的词在句中作动词show的宾语,同时前面有形容词little 修饰,因此应填入一个名词,且根据后面的 victims of war可知,compassion同情,符合题意。答案为compassion。
  3. There are serious ______ in the way we train our teachers.
【答案解析】句意:我们培养教师的方式存在许多错误。形容词serious修饰空格中的词,因此空格中应该填入一个名词的复数形式。空格中的词是评价说明后面的the way,因此flaws(错误、缺陷),符合题意。答案为flaws。
  4. You can use shells to ______ boxes, trays, mirrors or even pots.
【答案解析】句意:你可以用贝壳装饰盒子、盘子、镜子或者罐子。use something to do something 使用某物做某事,因此空格中应该填入动词形式。由shell与后面的box 等的逻辑关系可知, decorate 装饰,符合题意。答案为decorate。
  5. She knows what has made life ______ for her employees.
【答案解析】句意:她知道是什么让她的员工生活悲惨。what引导的从句在句子中作宾语。空格中的词修饰前面的名词life,因此应该填入逻辑上能修饰员工生活的形容词,miserable 悲惨的,符合题意。答案为miserable。
  6. My father used to be a perfectionist and would never tolerate ______.
【答案解析】句意:我的父亲曾经是一个完美主义者,无法忍受瑕疵。空格中的词作动词 tolerate 的宾语,同时根据前面的 perfectionist的属性可知,imperfection瑕疵,符合题意。答案为 imperfection。
  Section C
  Directions: Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable word.
  1. You should be apologizing _____ your customers for wasting their money.
【答案解析】句意:你应该为浪费顾客的金钱而向他们道歉。apologize to somebody是固定短语,向某人道歉。答案为to。
  2. You should be ashamed _____ yourself for telling such lies.
【答案解析】句意:你应该为撒谎而感到羞愧。be ashamed of是固定搭配,为……感到羞愧。答案为of。
  3. The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked _____.
【答案解析】句意:细节本应该保密,但是不知怎么被泄露了。leak out 是固定搭配,泄漏。be supposed to 本应该。答案为out。
  4. I feel sorry ______ anyone who has to drive in this sort of weather.
【答案解析】句意:我对任何需要在这种天气中驾驶的人表示同情。feel sorry for是固定搭配,为……难过。答案为for。
  5. Don't take any notice ______ what you read in the papers.
【答案解析】句意:不要在意你在纸上看到的任何东西。take notice of是固定搭配,注意到……。答案为of。
  6. Yesterday, I______ advantage of the good weather to paint the house.
【答案解析】句意:昨天我趁着好天气粉刷了房子。take advantage of 是固定搭配,利用……。根据前面的时间状语 yesterday 可知,时态应该是过去时。答案为took。
  Ⅲ Bridging the Gap
  Directions: Fill in the blanks with a word or a phrase that best completes the passage. You may choose a suitable one from the list given.
⑥After ③loudly ①placed ⑤down ⑨contained
④load ②remove ⑩obstacle ⑧where ⑦picked
  In ancient times, a king had a boulder 1 on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would 2 the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers(朝臣)came by and simply walked around it. Many 3 blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about removing the big stone out of the way.
【正确答案】1. placed 2. remove 3. loudly
【答案解析】1.根据boulder 与roadway 的逻辑关系可知,石头是被放置在路上,因此placed 放置,符合题意。答案为placed。
  2.空格中的词在句子中作谓语,因此应该填入动词形式,同时根据本段最后的 remove可知,remove(移动)符合题意。答案为remove。
  3.空格中填入的词在句子中作状语,修饰后面的动词blamed,因此应该填入副词形式,loudly blamed 大声指责。答案为loudly。
  Then a peasant came along carrying a 4 of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid 5 his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. 6 much pushing, he finally succeeded.
【正确答案】4. load 5. down 6. After
【答案解析】4.空格中的词修饰后面的vegetables,通过观察各个备选词可知,a load of是固定短语,许多、大量。答案为load。
  5.空格前面一句中提到,农民carry 大量的蔬菜,同时根据空格后面的move 可知,农民需要放下担子去移动石头。lay down 放下,是固定短语搭配。答案为down。
  6.通过分析 push 与succeed 的逻辑关系可知, push 后才能succeed ,因此after 在……之后,符合题意。答案为After。
  As the peasant 7 up his stuff, he noticed a purse lying on the road 8 the boulder had been. The purse 9 many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understood.
【正确答案】7. picked 8. where 9. contained
【答案解析】7.前文中提到,农民放下担子后移开石头,因此此时需要拾起担子。pick up拾起、检起,是固定短语。答案为picked。
  8.空格中的词引导后面的从句修饰前面的地点状语on the road,因此关系副词where符合题意。答案为where。
  9.空格中填入的词在句子中作谓语,根据purse与后面的gold coins的关系可知,空格中应该填入一个“包含”意思的动词。答案为contained。
  Every 10 presents an opportunity to improve one's condition.
【正确答案】10. obstacle
  Ⅳ Translation
  Section A
  Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in the brackets.
  1. We_________________(本航班延迟起飞,谨致歉意). (apologize)
【正确答案】apologize to you for the delay of the fligh
【答案解析】apologize to sb. for sth.指因某事向某人致歉。(航班的)延迟常用delay表示。答案为 apologize to you for the delay of the flight。
  2. His daughter looked such a mess that ___________________________(他为她感到害躁). (be ashamed of)
【正确答案】he was ashamed of her
【答案解析】be ashamed of 为……感到羞愧,是固定搭配。look a mess看着一塌糊涂。答案为he was a shamed of her。
  3. He decided to help Jane as ________________. (他同情她的遭遇). (feel sorry for)
【正确答案】he felt sorry for her bitter experience
【答案解析】feel sorry for同情……。遭遇可以译为bitter experience。答案为he felt sorry for her bitter experience/misfortune 。
  4. Don't ____________ (理会别人的议论). (take notice of)
【正确答案】take notice of others' words/comments
【答案解析】take notice of 是固定搭配,在意、注意。答案为 take notice of others' words/comments。
  5. Many schools ____________________(没有充分利用因特网). (take advantage of)
【正确答案】don't take full advantage of the Internet
【答案解析】take full advantage of是固定搭配,充分利用 。答案为don't take full advantage of the Internet。
  Section B
  Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.
  We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the children aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are beyond that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, when we are able to go on a vacation, when we retire. The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when
  Ⅴ Organizing Your Ideas
  Directions: Put the following sentences in the proper order so that they make a complete paragraph.
  1. They needed to say "thank you", and so good manners dictated I should accept their thanks gracefully.
  2. I used to have difficulty accepting kind remarks and praise from others.
  3. Then one day I realized that, if I did not accept another person's compliments, I was not giving them a chance to "pay back" for the things I had done to help them.
  4. I would just mumble something along the lines of "It's nothing."
  5. Not accepting their "thank you" meant I was leaving them in debt, in a way.
【正确答案】排列句子顺序: 2 — 4 — 3— 1 — 5
【答案解析】做句子排序题首先要浏览一下各项,掌握段落大意。然后找出每句的关键词,在此基础上进行排序。关键词——used to,just mumble,then one day,they say thank you,not accepting。
  Ⅵ Reflecting on the Text
  When students first enter university, they feel excited and eager to get familiar with their new environment and make friends. Yet, as time goes by, the excitement gradually wears off and they begin to get bored with the lectures and complain about the food and everything. If that is your experience, plan how to overcome it so as to be able to make the most of your life at university. If not, imagine your best friend is having this problem and try to help by offering some sensible advice.
  1.明确这种行为是不合理、不正确的(unreasonable and incorrect)。
  (1)可参加课外活动(extracurricular activities),加入学生会(student council)。
  (2)去附近大学校园,变换环境(other universities)。
