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(课程代码 00012)


A Girl Chess Champion

In the year 2000,a smiling girl from Guntur,India,created a record.Koneru Humpy,who turned 13 on March 31 that year,won the under-14 boys’ title in the National Children Chess Championship.She became the first Indian female player to win a boys’ title.

Humpy was born in 1987.She began playing chess at the age of six in 1993.She picked up the finer points of the game so well that one year later,in 1994,she won the very first tournament (锦标赛) she played in.

Humpy was trained by her father,Ashok Koneru,a chess player himself.He stopped teaching chemistry at a college to concentrate on coaching his daughter.After he left his job,he faced financial problems while training and travelling with his young daughter.But the local government came to his financial aid.The Bank of Baroda sponsored (赞助) Humpy and gave her a desk-top computer.Now she has a notebook computer as well,which she carries for tournaments.

Humpy practices for six hours daily with her father.Her preparation is mostly on the chess-board.Now she has started preparing with computers,like many seniors do.The eighth-grade student of Guntur has also been greatly encouraged by her school.She is given time to prepare for chess and her teachers give her special classes.With such support,Humpy is sure to win many more chess titles in her career. 第1题 Humpy won a national boys’ title when she was thirteen.



C.Not Given



第2题 Humpy didn’t start playing chess until she was seven.



C.Not Given



第3题 Humpy lost the first tournament she played in.



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第4题 Humpy’s father used to be a college teacher.



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第5题 Humpy’s father got no support from the local government.



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第6题 Humpy’s father bought Humpy a notebook computer.



C.Not Given



第7题 Humpy spends six hours on chess-playing every day.



C.Not Given



第8题 Many senior players make preparations on the chessboard.



C.Not Given



第9题 Humpy is a top student at her school.



C.Not Given



第10题 Humpy’s school allows her not to attend regular classes.



C.Not Given




Make Yourself More Attractive

As individuals,we judge just about everything on appearance.But we do not just see,we also feel.We have feelings that run deep.Sometimes our emotions run hot,at other times cold.Though,often,we do not feel until we see.

When we see someone who looks good, our heart beats fast.When we see an attractive meal,we feel hungry.When we see a picture of a loved one who has passed on,we may begin to feel sad or lonely.Our eyes are more than just a visual perception (视觉感知).They are the reflection of who we are.

There are many ways to improve our appearance.Smiling more is one of them.It will make less attractive people more pleasant.At the same time,smiling will make beautiful people appear to be more approachable.In addition to smiling, the less attractive should also work on achieving a more confident walk.People will be drawn to you because of the confidence that you show.

Do not take on the perceptions of others.Do not force yourself to become a product of how they see you.If you are extremely beautiful,do not be too proud.Be pleasant to all of those you come in contact with.Speak positive words to others.If you are less attractive,do not have any feelings of low self-esteem (自信).

Someone once said “it is beauty which captures (抓住) your attention;personality which captures your heart.” Keep this in mind as you continue to perfect your outside.And remember that if you do not change your inside,all of your hard work will be in vain. 第1题 Paragraph 1 mainly talks about________.

A.the role of seeing

B.the importance of feeling

C.features of good appearance

D.various types of emotions



第2题 The words “passed on” (Line 2,Para.2) probably means________.



C.walked past

D.missed a chance


【答案解析】词义推测题。第二段第三句话中who has passed on是定语从句,修饰先行词a loved one,再结合句意,我们深爱的人发生了什么事情,当我们看见他或她的照片时,我们可能会感到悲伤或孤独。由此可推测出,此处应该是指我们深爱的人去世了,故选A。

第3题 Smiling will make beautiful people________.

A.have more achievements

B.improve their work

C.become easier to approach

D.do better in their shows



第4题 The author advises the extremely beautiful people to________.

A.keep their pride

B.get to know more people

C.get rid of low self-esteem

D.be modest



第5题 The last paragraph suggests that________.

A.hard work makes perfect personality

B.beauty is in the eyes of the loved one

C.personality is more important than appearance

D.it’s easier to improve the inside than the outside




Manage Your “High-tech” Family

①Modern family life is improved on many levels by numerous advances in technology.However,sometimes the high-tech tools designed to bring us closer together,such as smart phones and computers,can actually distance us from one another.If your family members are becoming increasingly disconnected (疏远) as a result,it may be time to establish some effective time-management rules.

②The family dinner table should be a tech-free zone.Make a firm rule that there will be no talking on phones,text-messaging or watching television during dinner time.That is the ideal opportunity for the family to reconnect after a busy day.

③The only way to ensure that family members,especially children,obtain adequate sleep,fresh air and exercise is to limit the amount of time they spend playing video games,surfing the web or text-messaging friends.A well-balanced, healthy life can only be achieved by monitoring time spent on using high-tech tools.

④For school-age children it might be wise to have rules regarding technology. To ensure that they are being mindful of their studies and getting adequate sleep on school nights,you might make a schedule banning video games except on weekends and banning exciting television programs immediately before bedtime. Children require help in keeping their lives in balance,especially in regard to addictive (使人上瘾的) games and television viewing.

⑤Monitor your own activities in regard to modern technology.If you are at the dinner table with a cell phone in your ear, or have one eye on the television,you cannot expect your children to behave otherwise. 第1题 16.Paragraph ①: ________

A.Make rules for children

B.Monitor time

C.Set a good example

D.Establish “tech-free” family time

E.Enjoy the benefits of high-tech tools

F.Recognize the problems of high-tech tools


【答案解析】本段中心句是第二句,此句的中心词是high-tech tools。本段主要提到,现代家庭生活由于技术的进步在很多方面都有所改进,但是有时候这些设计初衷为让人们距离变近的高科技工具会带来问题,它们实际上让人们彼此变得疏远。故选F。

第2题 17.Paragraph ②: ________

A.Make rules for children

B.Monitor time

C.Set a good example

D.Establish “tech-free” family time

E.Enjoy the benefits of high-tech tools

F.Recognize the problems of high-tech tools


【答案解析】本段中心句是第一句,此句的中心词是a tech-free zone。本段主要提到,家庭的餐桌应该是个远离电子产品的区域。制定严格的规定,吃饭时间不能打电话聊天,不能发短信,也不能看电视,这样能使家庭成员在忙碌完一天后重新连接在一起。故选D。

第3题 18.Paragraph ③: ________

A.Make rules for children

B.Monitor time

C.Set a good example

D.Establish “tech-free” family time

E.Enjoy the benefits of high-tech tools

F.Recognize the problems of high-tech tools


【答案解析】本段中心句是第一句,此句的中心词是limit 和the amount of time。本段主要提到,能使家庭成员尤其是孩子有充足的睡眠、户外时间和锻炼的唯一方法就是限制他们玩电子游戏、浏览网页或发短信给朋友的时间。故选B。

第4题 19.Paragraph ④: ________

A.Make rules for children

B.Monitor time

C.Set a good example

D.Establish “tech-free” family time

E.Enjoy the benefits of high-tech tools

F.Recognize the problems of high-tech tools



第5题 20.Paragraph ⑤: ________

A.Make rules for children

B.Monitor time

C.Set a good example

D.Establish “tech-free” family time

E.Enjoy the benefits of high-tech tools

F.Recognize the problems of high-tech tools


【答案解析】本段中心句是第一句,此句的中心词是monitor和your own activities。本段主要提到家长需要检查自己的行为,如果自己在吃饭时打电话或看电视,也就不能指望自己的孩子乖乖听话。故选C。

第6题 21.High-tech tools can________.

A.follow the behaviors of their parents

B.watching exciting TV programs

C.help people connect more easily

D.leads to a more healthy life

E.communicating at dinner

F.distances people from one another



第7题 22.Family members should spend time________.

A.follow the behaviors of their parents

B.watching exciting TV programs

C.help people connect more easily

D.leads to a more healthy life

E.communicating at dinner

F.distances people from one another



第8题 23.Limiting the time spent on high-tech tools________.

A.follow the behaviors of their parents

B.watching exciting TV programs

C.help people connect more easily

D.leads to a more healthy life

E.communicating at dinner

F.distances people from one another



第9题 24.Before sleep, children should avoid________.

A.follow the behaviors of their parents

B.watching exciting TV programs

C.help people connect more easily

D.leads to a more healthy life

E.communicating at dinner

F.distances people from one another



第10题 25.Children tend to________.

A.follow the behaviors of their parents

B.watching exciting TV programs

C.help people connect more easily

D.leads to a more healthy life

E.communicating at dinner

F.distances people from one another




Celebrating History

Usually when people celebrate,they are recognizing a birthday,a sports event, or a holiday.But for National History Day,thousands of people gather to celebrate history.There are students,teachers,and parents from all over the United States.___26___The whole experience is truly amazing.

National History Day is part of an international network.It promotes history education by organizing a competition every year.Each year,a theme is selected for the competition.___27___This year’s theme is Rights and Responsibilities in History.It inspired over 600,000 students to enter into the competition.

National History Day opened with a welcome ceremony speech delivered by Dr.Amma.Dr.Amma is a historian and a professor in the subject areas of theater and dance.When she was a junior in high school,she took part in National History Day.___28___“The only thing in my mind was to tell the Africans’ story and to tell it right,” she said.

Another exciting event was the National History Night.Students,parents,and teachers had the chance to tour the National Museum of American History and see an exhibition from each state.One student from Virginia planned an exhibition on the topic of World War Ⅱ.___29___Their project focused on press freedoms.

The celebration of National History Day lasted for five days.It ended with the awards ceremony on Thursday.___30___They included prizes for each category,outstanding project for each state,and special awards.

A.They march around and cheer for history.

B.Five students from Texas put up a group exhibition.

C.During the three-hour event,189 awards were handed out.

D.Her project on the African slaves won the first-place performance.

E.Students have the opportunity to create a project based on the theme.

F.National History Day opened on the front lawn of University of Maryland. 第1题 26. ________




空格前提到,成千上万的人会在全国历史日聚集在一起庆祝历史,他们是来自美国各地的学生、老师和家长。空格后提到,整个经历真是令人难以置信。由此可知,此处讲的是人们的庆祝方式。A项中的march around和cheer for history与空格后的the whole experience相对应,故选A。

第2题 27. ________



第3题 28. ________


【答案解析】空格前提到,艾玛博士刚上高中时,她就参加了全国历史日。空格后提到,她唯一的想法就是正确地讲述非洲人的故事。由此可知,此处讲的是艾玛博士参加全国历史日的具体情况。D项中的the African slaves与空格后的the Africans’ story相对应,故选D。

第4题 29. ________


【答案解析】空格后提到,他们的项目专注于出版自由。由此可知,此处讲的是关于他们项目的具体细节。B项中的five students和group与空格后的their相对应,故选B。

第5题 30. ________


【答案解析】空格前提到,全国历史日会在星期四举办颁奖典礼,空格后提到,它们包括各类别的奖项、每个州的优秀项目和特殊奖项。由此可知,此处讲的是颁奖典礼和奖项的内容。C项中的189 awards与空格后的they相对应,故选C。


My Worst Travel Experience

Last year my parents decided to take me to a cowboy ranch (牧场) for our vacation.I was happy and___31___.Soon after I got to the ranch,I went out to see the beautiful horses.I___32___wanted to learn to ride a horse,so I climbed on one right away when no one was looking.While I was sitting on the___33___of the horse,the horse started___34___!I didn’t know how to stop it. I held on___35___as the horse began to run.We were running through a___36___of cactus (仙人掌) when the horse saw a snake on the___37___.The horse jumped back,and I___38___off—right into a big bunch of cactus!I spent hours___39___out cactus thorns (刺).My parents ___40___so bad that they let me get a puppy (小狗).That was the worst experience I ever had!But at least I got a puppy!












L.felt 第1题 31. ________



第2题 32. ________



第3题 33. ________


【答案解析】由空格前的on the和空格后的of可知,空格处应填名词。结合选项,根据句意可知,当我坐在马背上时。故此处填back(背部)。

第4题 34. ________



第5题 35. ________


【答案解析】由空格前的held on可知,空格处应填副词。结合选项,根据句意可知,当马开始跑的时候,我紧紧地抓住不放。故此处填tightly(紧紧地)。

第6题 36. ________



第7题 37. ________


【答案解析】由空格前的on the可知,空格处应填名词构成介词短语。结合选项,根据句意可知,马看见在地上有一条蛇,且on the ground为固定短语,意为“在地上”,故此处填ground(地面)。

第8题 38. ________


【答案解析】分析句子结构可知,句子缺少谓语,再根据句子中的jumped back可知,空格处应填动词的过去分词。结合选项,根据句意可知,马往后跳,我摔了下来,正好摔进一大堆仙人掌中。故此处填fell(摔倒)。

第9题 39. ________


【答案解析】由空格前的spent hours可知,空格处应填动词的现在分词,与spend构成固定搭配spend hours doing sth.。结合选项,根据句意可知,我花了几个小时才把仙人掌的刺拔出来。故此处填pulling(拔)。

第10题 40. ________


【答案解析】分析句子结构可知,句子缺少谓语,再根据空格后的so bad可知,此处填的应该是能表达感觉的动词。故此处填felt(感到,感觉)。


The State Flower of Alaska

Alaska is known (know) as a state that produces wild animals as well as kind-hearted people. The state is___41___(fill) with wild beauty.Alaska might be the most northern and___42___(large)state in the United States.But that did not stop it from selecting a___43___(particular) gentle flower as its state flower—the forget-me-not.

A classic in wedding for its name and___44___(mean),the forget-me-not is a pretty blue flower.The forget-me-not is an unusual name with many potential___45___(origin),both in romantic and___46___(religion) terms.

However the name comes into being,the blue flowers with___47___(sun) centers still stand for love and being___48___(faith) to one’s love today.For this very reason,they are often___49___(use)at weddings.Perhaps,it is the simple blue flowers that give the most beauty to Alaska.Could this be why such a determined state has selected such a___50___(love) flower 第1题 41. ________


【答案解析】由空格前的is和空格后的with可知,此处应填fill的被动形式,构成固定搭配be filled with,故填filled(充满)。

第2题 42. ________



第3题 43. ________



第4题 44. ________



第5题 45. ________


【答案解析】由空格前的many potential可知,此处应填origin的名词复数形式,故填origins(起源)。

第6题 46. ________



第7题 47. ________



第8题 48. ________


【答案解析】由空格前的being和空格后的to可知,此处应填faith的形容词形式,构成固定短语be faithful to,故填faithful(忠诚的)。

第9题 49. ________


【答案解析】由空格前的are often可知,再结合句意“它们常被用于婚礼中”,此处应填use的被动形式,故填used (被使用于,被用于)。

第10题 50. ________




第1题 假设你正在筹备一次英语角活动,打算邀请英国志愿者Mike参加并进行指导。请你给他写一封英文电子邮件发出邀请,内容包括:




请以Li Ke署名。
































